Whether you are considering being smoke-free someday, are nearing your quit day, or have already quit and are working to stay addiction-free, we can support you on your journey.

How the 'Stop Smoking Program ' works

If you have ever tried to quit, you fully understand that this is not an easy thing to do.  Understanding the nature of your  addiction is the key to quitting once and for all.


Join our

Once you join our recovery team, we will help you design and put into action your very own recovery plan.

Build your Recovery Plan

You will receive a daily inspirational message along with access to online tools, videos, a personal journal and an opportunity for weekly 1 on 1 with our recovery team.

Re-start your life tobacco free!

With our recovery plan and supplements, you will have the tools in place to live tobacco free.

Guided steps in your recovery!

You can follow at your own pace.

  • Your first step is to book your introductory meetings. It’s a personal zoom meeting with our trained staff to better understand the nature of your addiction and guide you though to the next stepsl
  • We begin to by develop your Detox Strategy and get your Nicotine Replacement Plan in place as well as a nutritional supplement plan to help build back our overall health.
  • Follow our step-by-step program to build your personal profile to better understand the root issues surrounding tobacco addiction.
  • We build our overall recovery plan. There are guides on this platform to accomplish this task.
  • We assist you in building your support network, who will be there for us without judgment.
  • Use the ‘Stop Smoking Program’ Tools in our Stop Smoking Toolbox section
  • Nutritional planning, tasks, videos & exercises to become free as you encounter the waves of resistance within and around you.
  • Personalized charts, action planning, and private journal entries to track your journey
What happens when I join?

Once you join our recovery team you have an excellent opportunity, over time to fully recover from the most difficult of all addictions and break free completely.

We will help you design and put into action your very own recovery plan.

We offer support for as long as it takes for you to quit for good.

Regular Zoom Meetings

Easily book your meetings with zoom, set reminders, and followup online

Instructional videos & tasks

Watch this introductory video on the Nature of Addiction. One of many in our vast library.

Online Community

Our Social Media platforms offer tons of tips and helpful advice to help keep you smoke free.

The Stop Smoking Program was created to deal with smoking cigarettes before vaping was popular. The long-term health effects of vaping are not fully understood, but it is not a safe alternative to smoking cigarettes, therefore we consider vaping an addiction, just like cigarettes.

Any references to cigarettes/tobacco/smoking/nicotine in this program can apply to both smoking and vaping.

Not ready to join? Subscribe for helpful tips & strategies to stop smoking!

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What our members say

Below are some very powerful stories of real people, fighting a real addiction, in real time.


I am writing to acknowledge the enormous ongoing help I receive from this program; finally to beat my close to 50 year addiction to smoking. I will be 2 months smoke free tomorrow on Nov. 29, 2018. The benefits I have received from this, not only for my health, but also my self-esteem, to know…


I just want to thank the staff and everyone involved at The ‘Stop Smoking Program’ who has helped me to STOP smoking. I never in my wildest dreams thought that I could have stopped this terrible addiction after fifty years of poisoning myself with a pack a day. With the encouragement of the staff, support…


I want you to know how impressed I am with the STOP program offered at The ‘Stop Smoking Program’ … I am a new client and I believe this program may well save my life and give me freedom from smoking. I have tried to quit smoking on my own too many times to count…